Photo of Silvia Alvarez Argentina
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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gradude architect in 1985 was graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Workshops to form Luis Felipe No, Hermenegildo Stempelstejn SBAT and Mia. Participde study groups philosophy of art with Santana and Fermn Fvre Ral. AWARDS: 1994 First Mention watercolor contest Mutual Association Central Society of Architects, Buenos Aires,...

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Photo of Silvia Alvarez Argentina

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gradude architect in 1985 was graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Workshops to form Luis Felipe No, Hermenegildo Stempelstejn SBAT and Mia. Participde study groups philosophy of art with Santana and Fermn Fvre Ral. AWARDS: 1994 First Mention watercolor contest Mutual Association Central Society of Architects, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1989 Gold Medal University of Belgrano, Clarin Award for Latin American architects drawings competition, International Architecture Biennale, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1989 First prize drawing contest, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1987 First prize contest sketch, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. SOLO SHOWS: 1992 Galera Adriana Indik, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1991 Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1987 Secretariat of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1988 Secretariat of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires Argentina. EXHIBITIONS, including: 2007 National Salon Cipolletti, Argentina. 2006 Salon City Palencia, Palencia, Spain. 2004 Centro de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2003 Society of Artists plastic Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2003 Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torrente Abreu, La Habana, Cuba. Xango Galera 1997, Punta del Este, Uruguay. 1995 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Central Society of Architects 1994, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1990 IV Salon Prez Jenaro Villamil, Ferrol, Spain. 1989 Galley Rubbers, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1989 1st. Annual Salon Paseo de las Artes, Cooperative Bank Home, 1985 Salon province anymore, Galeras Pacifico, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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